Scientific Publications

I have mostly published in leading journals from 1978 to the present, as either the primary or secondary author.  My primary publications include articles on ground-penetrating radar (GPR) dynamics, the electrical properties of sediments, and the structures of glaciers, ice sheets, lake sediments, permafrost, and sea ice. My articles mostly concern research done in Alaska and Antarctica.  The leading journals in which I have published are Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysics, Journal of Glaciology, and Journal of Applied Geophysics. I was an Assistant Editor, Associate Editor and Special Editor for Geophysics for 11 years and was awarded citations for outstanding editor of the year for Geophysics and for Water Resources Research. I have mentored 20 graduate students and have served as adjunct professor at Dartmouth, the University of Connecticut and the University of Maine.

Recording GPR data at the terminus of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, in 1990.

80.          Carrive, P., Saintenoy, A., Leger, E., Arcone, S. A., and Sailhac, P., 2022, Exploiting ground-penetrating radar signal enhancements by water-saturated bulb surrounding defective waterpipes for leak detection, Geosciences, 12 (368),

79.          Giese, A., Arcone, S., Hawley, R., Lewis, G., and Wagnon, P., 2019, The response of supraglacial debris to elevated, high frequency GPR: volumetric scatter and interfacial dielectric contrasts interpreted from field and experimental studies, The Cryosphere, an open access journal, in review.

78.          Kaluzienski, L., Koons, P., Enderlin, E., Hamilton, G., Courville, Z., and Arcone, S., 2019, Crevasse initiation and history within the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, J. Glaciol., 1–11, (an open access article).

77.          Ray, L., Jordan, M., Arcone, S., Kaluzienski, L., Walker, B., Koons, P.O., Lever, J., and Hamilton, G., 2020, Velocity field in the McMurdo Shear Zone from annual ground penetrating radar imaging and crevasse matching.  Cold Reg. Sci. Tech., 103023.

76.          Arcone, S. A., 2018, Sedimentary architecture beneath lakes subjected to storms: control by turbidity current bypass and turbidite armouring, interpreted from ground-penetrating radar images. Sedimentology, 65, 1413–1446. doi: 10.1111/sed.12429.

75.          Lauro, S. E., Mattei, E., Cosciotti, B. diPaolo, F., Arcone, S. A., Viccaro, M., and Pettenelli, E., 2017, Electromagnetic signal penetration in a planetary soil simulant: Estimated attenuation rates using GPR and TDR in volcanic deposits on Mt. Etna, J. Geophys. Res.: Planets, 81(1), WA21–WA34. doi: 10.1002/2016JE005192

74.          Arcone, S. A., Lever, J. H., Ray, L. E., Walker, B. S., Hamilton, G., and Kaluzienski, L., 2016, Ground-penetrating radar profiles of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, acquired with an unmanned rover: Interpretation of crevasses, fractures, and folds within firn and marine ice, Geophysics, 81(1), WA21–WA34. doi: 10.1190/GEO2015-0132.1

73.          Dugan, H. A., Arcone, S. A., Obryk, M. K., and Doran, P. T., 2016, High-resolution ground-penetrating radar profiles of perennial lake ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Horizon attributes, unconformities, and subbottom penetration, Geophysics, 81(1), WA13–WA20. doi: 10.1190/GEO2015-0159.1

72.          Arcone, S. A., and Boitnott, G. E., 2016, Maxwell-Wagner relaxation in two desert soils at medium and high water contents: Interpretation from modeling of time domain reflectometry data.  IEEE J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Obsv. and Remote Sensing, 9, 201–211, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2436822

71.          Dugan, H., Doran, P.T., Wagner, B., Kenig, F., Fritsen, C. H., Arcone, S.A., Kuhn, E., Ostrom, N.E., Warnock, J. P., and Murray, A. E., 2015, Stratigraphy of Lake Vida, Antarctica: hydrologic implications of 27 m of ice, The Cryosphere, 9, 1–12, doi: 10.5194/tc-9-1-2015.

70.          Dugan, H., Doran, P. T., Tulaczyk, S., Mikucki, J. A., Arcone, S.A., Auken, E., Schamper, C. and Virginia, R. A., 2015, Subsurface imaging reveals a confined aquifer beneath an ice-sealed Antarctic lake, Geophys. Rev. Let., doi: 10.1002/2014GL062431.

69.          Spaulding, N. E., Higgins, J. A., Kurbatov, A. V., Bender, M. OL., Arcone, S. A., and 5 others, 2013, Climate archives from 90 to 20 ka in horizontal and vertical ice cores from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica, Quaternary Res., 80, 562–574.

68.          Liu, L., Li, Z., Arcone, S., Fu, L. and Huang, Q., 2013, Radar wave scattering loss in a densely packed discrete random medium: Numerical modeling of a box-of-boulder experiment in the Mie regime, J. Appl. Geophys., 99, 68–75.

67.          Arcone, S. A., S. Campbell and Pfeffer, T., 2014, GPR profiles of glacial till, and its transition to Bedrock: Interpretation of water content, depth and signal loss from diffractions, J. Envir. Eng. Geophys., 19(4), 207–228, doi: 10.2113/JEEG19.4.207

66.          Campbell,   S., Kreutz, K., Wake, C., Osterberg, E., Arcone, S., Introne, D., Winski, D., and Volkening, K. 2012. Melt regimes, internal stratigraphy, flow dynamics, and glaciochemistry of three glaciers in the Alaska Range, J. Glaciology. 58(207), 99–109. doi:10.3189/2012JoG10J238

65.         Campbell, S., Kreutz, K., Wake, C., Osterberg, E., Arcone, S., Winski, D., and Volkening, K. 2012. Flow dynamics of an accumulation basin:  A case study of the upper Kahiltna Glacier on Mount McKinley, Alaska,  J. Glaciol. 58(207), 185–195. doi: 10.3189/2012JoG10J233.

64.         Campbell, S., Roy, S., Kreutz, K., Arcone, S., Koons, P., Osterberg, E.  2013.  Strain Rate Estimates for Crevasse formation at an Alpine Ice Divide:  Mount Hunter, Alaska.  Ann. Glaciol. 54(63), 200–208.

63.         Winski, D., Kreutz, K., Osterberg, E., Campbell, S., Wake, C., Arcone, S., Kelsey, E., Volkening, K., Hawley, R.  2012. High Frequency Observations of Melt Effects on Snowpack Stratigraphy, Kahiltna Glacier, Central Alaska Range, Hydro Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.9348.

62.          Arcone, S. A., R. Jacobel, and G.S. Hamilton, 2012, Unconformable stratigraphy in East Antarctica: Part I.  Large firn cosets, recrystallized growth, and model evidence for intensified accumulation, J. Glaciology, 58(208), 240–252, doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11J044.

61.          Arcone, S. A., R. Jacobel, and G.S. Hamilton, 2012, Unconformable stratigraphy in East Antarctica: Part II.  Englacial cosets and recrystallized layers, J. Glaciology, 58(208), 253–264, doi: 10.1389/2012JoG11J045.

60.          Arcone, S. A., and G. Boitnott, 2012, Maxwell Wagner relaxation in common minerals and a desert soil at low water contents, J. Applied Geophys., 81(June), 97–105.

59.          Arcone, S. A., and L. Liu, 2012, Spatial attenuation rates of interfacial waves:  Field and numerical tests of Sommerfeld theory using ground-penetrating radar pulses, J. Applied Geophysics, 81(June), 122–129.

58.          Arcone, S. A., D. C. Finnegan, and G. Boitnott, 2010, GPR characterization of a lacustrine UXO site, Geophys., 75(4), WA221–WA239; DOI: 10.1190/1.3467782.

57.          Arcone, S. A., and Kreutz, K., 2009, GPR reflection profiles of Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Ann. Glaciol., 50, 121–129.

56.          Welch, B. C., Jacobel, R.W., and Arcone, S. A., 2008, First results from radar profiles collected along the US-ITASE traverse from Taylor Dome to South Pole (2006–2008).  Ann. Glaciol., 51, 35–41.

55.          Arcone, S.A., S. A. Grant, G. Boitnott and B. Bostick, 2008, Complex permittivity and clay mineralogy of grain-size fractions in a wet silt soil, Geophysics, 73(3), J1–J13.

54.          Koh, G., and S. A. Arcone, 2008, A bistatic Doppler technique to measure forward scattering at large angles of incidence, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 18(1), 53–63.

53.          Van der Kruk, J., S. A. Arcone and L. Liu, 2007, Fundamental and higher mode inversion of dispersed GPR waves propagating in an ice layer.  IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 45(8), 2483–2491.

52.          Arcone, S. A., D. C. Finnegan, and L. Liu, 2006, Target Interaction with Stratigraphy beneath Shallow, Frozen Lakes: Quarter-Wave Resonances within GPR Profiles, Geophysics, 71(6), K119–131.

51.          Nobes, D. C., Davis, E. F., and Arcone, S. A., 2005, "Mirror-image" multiples in ground-penetrating radar. Geophys., 70(1), K20–K22.

50.          Steig, E. J….Arcone, S. A. and 15 others, 2005, High resolution ice cores from US ITASE (West Antarctica) development and validation of chronologies and determination of precision and accuracy.  Annals of Glaciology, 41, 77-84.

49.          Liu, L. and Arcone, S. A., 2005, Propagation of radar pulses from a horizontal dipole in variable dielectric ground: A numerical approach.  Subsurface Sens. Tech. and Appl., 6(1), 5−24.

48.          Arcone, S. A., Spikes, V. B., and Hamilton, G. S., 2005, Phase structure of radar stratigraphic horizons within Antarctic firn.  Ann. Glaciol., 41, 10–16.                                               

47.          Arcone, S. A., Spikes, V. B., and Hamilton, G. S., 2005.  Stratigraphic variation in polar firn caused by differential accumulation and ice flow: Interpretation of a 400-MHz short-pulse radar profile from West Antarctica, J. Glaciol., 51(7), 407−422.

46.          Spikes, V. B., Hamilton, G. S., Arcone, S. A., Kaspari, S., and Mayewski, P. A. 2004.  Primary Causes of Variability in Antarctic Accumulation Rates, Ann. Glaciol., 39, 238−244.

45.          Arcone, S. A., Spikes, V. B., Hamilton, G. S., and Mayewski, P. A., 2004.  Stratigraphic continuity in 400-MHz radar profiles in West Antarctica, Ann. Glaciol., 39, 195–200.

44.          Leuschen, C., Kanagaratnam, P., Yoshikawa, K., Arcone, S., and Gogineni, P. 2003. Design and field experiments of a ground-penetrating radar for Mars exploration.  J. Geophys. Res., 108(E4),12 p.

43.          Arcone, S. A., Peapples, P.R., and Liu, L. 2003. Propagation of a GPR pulse in a thin surface waveguide.  Geophysics, 68(6), 1922–1933.

42.          Liu, L., and Arcone, S.A.  2003.  Numerical simulation of the wave-guide effect of the near-surface thin layer on radar wave propagation.   J. Env. Eng. Geophys., 8 (2), 133–141.

41.          Moran, M.L., R.J. Greenfield, S.A. Arcone. 2003. Modeling GPR radiation and reflection characteristics for a complex temperate glacier bed. Geophysics, 68 (2) 559–565.

40.          Arcone, S. A., Delaney, A. J., and Peapples, P.  2003.  GPR pulse attenuation in a fine-grained and partially contaminated formation.  J. Env. Eng. Geophys., 8, 36–45.

39.          Arcone, S. A., Prentice, M. L., and Delaney, A. J.  2002.  Stratigraphic profiling with ground-penetrating radar in permafrost: A review of possible analogs for Mars.  J. Geophys. Res, 107(E11) doi: 10.1029/2002JE001906.

38.          Arcone, S. A. 2002.  Airborne-radar stratigraphy and electrical structure of temperate firn: Bagley Ice Field, Alaska.  J. Glaciol., 48(161), 317–334.

37.          Farr, T. G., Arcone, S., et al.  2002.  Terrestrial analogs to Mars. In, M. V. Sykes, ed., The Future of Solar System Exploration, 2003–2013, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 272.

36.          Arcone, S. A. and Yankielun, N. E., 2000. 1.4-GHz radar penetration, and evidence of drainage structures in temperate ice: Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. J. Glaciology, 46(154), 477–489.

35.          Moran, M. L., Greenfield, R. J., Arcone, S. A., and Delaney, A. J.  2000. Delineation of a complexly dipping temperate glacier bed using short-pulse radar arrays.  J. Glaciology, 46(153), 274–286.

34.          Moran, M. L., Greenfield, R. J., Arcone, S. A. and Delaney, A. J.,  2000.  Multidimensional GPR array processing using Kirchhoff migration.  J. Applied Geophys., 43, 281–295.

33.          Lawson, D. E., Strasser, J. C., Evenson, E. B., Alley, R. B., Larson, G. J. and Arcone, S. A.  1998.  Glaciohydraulic supercooling: a freeze-on mechanism to create stratified, debris-rich basal ice: I. Field evidence.  J Glaciology, 44(148), 547–562.

32.          Arcone, S.A., Lawson, D.E., Delaney, A.J., Strasser, J.C., and Strasser, J.D., 1998.  Ground-penetrating radar reflection profiling of groundwater and bedrock in an area of discontinuous permafrost, Geophysics, 63(5), 1573–1584.

31.          Arcone, S.A., Yankielun, N.E., and Chacho, E.F., Jr., 1997.  Reflection profiling of arctic lake ice using microwave FM-CW radar,  IEEE Trans on Geosci. and Rem. Sens., 35(2), 436–443.

30.          Arcone, S.A., 1996.  High resolution of glacial ice stratigraphy: A ground-penetrating radar study of Pegasus runway, McMurdo Station, Antarctica.  Geophysics, 61(6), 1653–1663.

29.          Nghiem, S.V., Kwok, R., Kong, J.A., Shin, R.T., Arcone, S.A., and Gow, A.J., 1995.  An electrothermodynamic model with distributed properties for effective permittivities of sea ice, Radio Science, 31(2), 297–311.

28.          Arcone, S.A., Lawson, D.E., and Delaney, A.J., 1995.  Short-pulse radar wavelet recovery and resolution of dielectric contrasts within englacial and basal ice of Matanuska Glacier, Alaska,  J. Glaciology, 41(137), 68–86.

27.          Arcone, S.A., 1995.  Numerical studies of the radiation patterns of resistively-loaded dipoles. J. Appl. Geophys., 33, 39–52.

26.          Arcone, S.A., Chacho, E.F., Jr., and Delaney, A.J., 1992.  Short-pulse radar detection of groundwater in the Sagavanirktok River floodplain in early spring, Water Resources Research, 28(11), 2925–2936.

25.          Yankielun, N.E., Arcone, S.A., and Crane, R.K., 1992.  Thickness profiling of freshwater ice using a millimeter-wave FM-CW radar,  IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Rem. Sens., 80(5), 1094–1100.

24.          Arcone, S.A., 1991.  Dielectric constant and layer thickness interpretation of helicopter-borne short-pulse radar waveforms reflected from wet and dry river-ice sheets, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Rem. Sens., 29(5), 768–777.

23.          Arcone, S.A. and Calkins, D.J., 1990.  Radar surveying of the bottom surface of ice covers, Can. J. of Rem. Sens., 16(1), 30–39.

22.          Delaney, A.J., Arcone, S.A., and Chacho, E.F., Jr., 1990.  Winter short-pulse radar studies on the Tanana River, Arctic, 43(4), 244–250.

21.          Arcone, S.A., Calkins, D.J., and Delaney, A.J., 1989.  River-ice mounds on Alaska’s North Slope: correspondence, J. of Glaciology, 35(120) 288–290.

20.          Lin, F.C., Kong, J.A., Shin, R.T. and Arcone, S.A., 1988.  Correlation function study for sea ice, J. of Geophys. Res. (Oceans), 93(C11), 14055–14063.

19.          Arcone, S.A. and Larson, R., 1988.  Single horn reflectometry for in-situ dielectric measurements at microwave frequencies,  IEEE Trans. on Geosc. and Rem. Sens., GE-26(1), 89–92.

18.          Arcone, S.A. and Delaney, A.J., 1987.  Airborne river-ice thickness profiling with helicopter-borne UHF short-pulse radar,  J. of Glaciology, 33(115), 330–340.

17.          Arcone, S.A., 1987.  DC resistivity measurements of model saline ice sheets.  IEEE Trans. on Geosc. and Rem. Sens., GE-25(6), 845–849.

16.          Arcone, S.A., 1986.  Conductivity limitations in single reflection time domain reflectometry,  Journal of Physics E:  Sci. Instr., 19(12), 1067–1069.

15.          Arcone, S.A., Gow, A.J., and McGrew, S., 1986.  Structure and dielectric properties at 4.8 and 9.5 GHz of saline ice,  J. of Geophys. Res. (Oceans), 91(C12), 14281–14303.

14.          Arcone, S.A. and McGrew, S., 1986.  Microwave dielectric, structural and salinity properties of simulated sea ice,  IEEE Trans. on Geosc. and Rem. Sens., GE-24(6), 832–839.

13.          Arcone, S.A. and Wills, R.H., 1986.  A numerical study of dielectric measurements using time domain reflectometry,  J. of Physics E: Sci. Instr., 19(6), 448–454.

12.          Arcone, S.A., 1984.  Field observations of electromagnetic pulse propagation in dielectric slabs, Geophys., 49(10), 1763–1773.

11.          Delaney, A.J. and Arcone, S.A., 1984.  A large size coaxial waveguide time domain reflectometry unit for field use, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience. and Remote Sens., GE-22(5), 428–431.

10.          Arcone, S.A., 1984.  Discussion:  Electromagnetic properties of sea ice by R.M. Morey, A. Kovacs and G.F.N. Cox (Short Note).  Cold Regions Sci, and Tech., 10, 93–94.

9.            Delaney, A.J. and Arcone, S.A., 1984.  Dielectric measurements of frozen silt using time domain reflectometry, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 9, 39–46.

8.            Arcone, S.A. and Delaney, A.J., 1984.  Field dielectric measurements of frozen silt using VHF pulses, Cold Regions Sci. and Tech., 9, 29–37.

7.            Arcone, S.A. and Delaney, A.J., 1982.  Electrical properties of frozen ground at VHF near Pt. Barrow, Alaska, IEEE Trans. on Geosc. and Rem. Sens., GE-20(4), 485–492.

6.            Arcone, S.A. and Delaney, A.J., 1982.  Dielectric properties of thawed active layers overlying permafrost using radar at VHF, Radio Sci., 17(3), 618–626.

5.            Arcone, S.A., 1981.  Distortion of model subsurface radar pulses in complex dielectrics.  Radio Science, 16(5), 855–864.

4.            Arcone, S.A. and Delaney, A.J., 1980.  Low-frequency surface impedance measurements at some glacial areas in the United States.  Radio Science, 15(1), 1–9.

3.            Arcone, S.A., 1979.  Resolution studies in airborne resistivity surveying.  Geophysics, 44(5), 937–946.

2.            Arcone, S.A., 1979.  A review of electrical resistivity of frozen ground and some electromagnetic methods for its measurement.  Materials Performance, the journal of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 18(5).

1.            Arcone, S.A., 1978.  Investigation of an airborne resistivity survey conducted at very low frequency. Geophysics, 43(7), 1399–1417.